Kreuzschmerzen? Loslassen ist ein wichtiger Prozess

Lower back pain, let goIt took me a long time to dare to tackle the topic of ” letting go ” in the case of back pain. Has this topic been described so often and is almost “hackneyed” … or is it? In any case , letting go of low back pain is still fairly unknown.

Letting go is covered extensively in the literature. Anyone who deals with personal development knows that in order to move forward in life, you have to let go of certain things. We all know this, but are we letting go of the issues? can we let go And can we let go of lower back pain. Do we really let go, or do we often just pretend?

Before reading any further, allow us to make a note:

As you may know, a herniated disc and back pain are signals from the body. That means there is a reason behind it that needs to be explored.

You are in pain now and want to get rid of it. You don’t want painful tension or blockages in your spine and you want to find out the causes of your pain. You probably won’t get a doctor’s appointment anytime soon either.

If you now do specific exercises against it, which you can find here on the blog , it is already a better way than just taking painkillers such as ibuprofen. Hoping the pain will eventually subside.

A suggested solution on our part is now:

We  at Vital-Zentrum Reichl , personal contacts Alexander & Monika Reichl, have over 40 years of holistic therapeutic experience as physiotherapists and coaches. Our mission is to help and advise people beyond the borders of our home catchment area so that they can feel better, healthier and more energetic again.

Therefore our suggestion,  write us a short email and describe your problem to us. We will then get in touch and arrange a free appointment for youOur contact form  or send an email to 

Let’s work together to find ways to get your problems under control.

We are aware that the topic of letting go when it comes to lower back pain is very diverse. It covers large parts of everyday life. Describing all areas is almost impossible. Usually one only thinks of certain everyday situations , such as letting go of lower back pain, letting go of children, letting go of emotions, letting go of habits, letting go of the past, letting go of the deceased, etc.


But letting go also affects our body , such as with back pain or headaches

We should let go of lower back pain , let go of lumbar blockages , let go of toxins, let go of weight, let go of stool and urine. It’s also not easy to just let go of everything. From an early age we are trained to hold back our stool and urine. Let go of thought garbage, let go of desires and goals that don’t get you anywhere. Getting rid of even loved ones that can become a burden and much more.

In the meantime it has become a social trend: let go and live in the here and now. More and more people are discovering that this attitude can contribute to improving the quality of life. Living life with determination means stress. And that has consequences: stress hormones are released, blood pressure rises, and cholesterol and sugar levels rise.

If this alarm condition becomes chronic, gastrointestinal problems, heart problems, tinnitus, lower back pain , headaches or sleep disorders often occur. Animals suffering from stress immediately produce vitamin C as an “antidote”. However, humans are one of the few species that are unable to do this because they lack the appropriate enzyme. It seems to be a sign of creation:

As if man were made to be happy and to live carefree. Letting go and learning to deal with stress – that’s our form of vitamin C.

Letting go in an energetically spiritual sense with lower back pain

In an energetic, spiritual sense , we should let go of negative energies when we have low back pain. To separate or free oneself from elementals that can be in our aura. And also to separate from spiritual connections that are not good for you.

What are elementals? Elementals are energies in our aura that are always animated with some degree of emotional energy and act as if endowed with consciousness or an instinct for self-preservation. This is probably what makes it so difficult for us to let go of certain issues, such as low back pain, or whether it is losing weight, or parting with things, people, passions, or anything else. Elementals are the basis of every imagination and the beginning of every thought.

In this article, I would like to focus, among other things, on what letting go or not letting go does to our subtle energy, e.g. when we hold on to something, we often react with a loss of energy or energy blockages.

If it is always said that the change begins in the spirit or mentally, that is only half the truth. The negative elementals are evil, which can only be resolved by learning to increase one’s willpower.

“Everything grows when you pay attention to it. So if you want to let go, you mustn’t pay any attention to it.”   Oriental proverb

This proverb clearly shows how, when you concentrate and hold on to something, e.g. back pain, elementals are formed in the aura very quickly, which can then even negatively influence us as independent forms of energy, so that we have a hard time changing or improving something .can let go.

During the preparation, many sayings and stories about letting go fell into my lap, which I would like to share here.

Lower back pain quotes:

Gandhi once said: “Whoever crosses a river must leave one side. Just let go.” We all know this sentence. Unfortunately, it is often easier said than done. There are many situations in life where letting go is necessary. Often we even know that, but we cannot implement it.

“Sorrow is pain we hold on to.”  by Deepak Chopra

“Letting go of things doesn’t mean getting rid of them. Letting go of her means letting her be.” by Mother Theresa

“Let go in love what makes you unhappy.” by Ole Nydahl

“Letting go means saying goodbye – to the familiar gaze and certain thought patterns!” by Dr. Susan Piet

“Letting go means we break the connection with what is holding us. It’s not the situation or the person themselves that holds us tight—even though we often think so—it’s our own connection to it.” by Patty Harpenau

“Letting go is the way, not the goal.” by Roy Martina

Alternative gentle treatment suggestion for lower back pain.                                                   

Visit our website with the topic:  How you or others can free yourself or others from back pain in a short time with the “ENERGETIC SPIRITUAL HEALING”!”

How you can achieve pain relief for yourself through the secret of gentle, energetic, spiritual spine therapy!”

  click here for website with offer

The radio station MDR Aktuell reported on the Vital Center Neumarkt and the work in the form of an interview.

You can also read the article in  FOCUS Online  about Alexander Reichl and his alternative treatment technique!

 An article about Alexander Reichl’s holistic treatment method was also published in  Stern magazine !

And here is an article about the alternative treatment method by Alexander Reichl in the  Brigitte magazine   !

Letting go of a little story about lower back pain:

A young man comes to the master, sluggishly walking, slouching shoulders, corners of the mouth so far down that he could almost put them in his trouser pockets: “Master, my suffering is unbearable!”

The Master nods, then thinks for a moment and replies, “The present moment is never unbearable. Unbearable is what you see befalling you in the next few minutes, days or years. That’s what makes you so desperate. Live less in the future and only care about the feelings you have right now!” (by Anthony de Mello)

Lower back pain, letting go, mediation, life energyexercise :

When we’re at a loss, when we’re stuck in life, it’s the right questions that get us out of there. A few questions that have often helped me out of a tight spot and allowed me to let go:

  • What is really important to ME?
  • What will do me the most good in the long term to get rid of lower back pain?
  • How does decision X feel and how does decision Y feel? (For example, if X means “stay with partner” and Y means “let go of the relationship”)
  • What would the best of me do in this situation with low back pain – the best part of me?
  • What do I want to do in my next life? (Often contains references to what we already want to do in this life, but do not allow ourselves to imagine “out of reason”)
  • What can I do today, what tiny step in the right direction can I take today to get rid of lower back pain?
  • What emotion is still holding me from the past? Emotions are the product of past experiences.

To make the topic of letting go with lower back pain more vivid, I would like to use a river as a metaphor.

What do your life and a river have in common?

Perhaps you have already recognized in your life that the cause of your suffering is always an expectation.

Just as you place expectations on other people, demanding credit for a job well done or redress for a mistake, holding on to things or conditions is also an expectation.

Some small examples:

You expect to stay healthy or get rid of your back pain.

You expect your partner to love you.

You expect your company never to go bankrupt.

You expect your car not to break down.

You expect your partner not to leave you.

You expect something to be permanent and owned by you, or at least always available to you.

Unfortunately, there is nothing permanent or ever available in life. The one thing you can always count on is change. In seminars I always emphasize: “Nothing is more constant than change!”

Just as flow appears at first to be a permanent entity, so too are you often mistaken for other things in your life as permanent. But that is a misconception. Upon closer inspection, you realize that the flow is by no means constant. In each new moment, different water flows at the point you are looking at. He changes from second to second.

It’s exactly the same in your life. Heraclitus, a Greek philosopher, beautifully put this fact in just two words:

“Everything flows.”

So our life is quite similar to the river in nature. So should we perhaps follow his example and learn from him how to deal with the circumstances of life?

Like a river moves on

The river holds nothing and it lingers in no place. It keeps flowing and with every centimeter it advances, it leaves behind the path it has already covered. He lets go of hundreds of kilometers for the next centimetre. And he also lets go of this centimeter in the next moment for the next.

Just as the flow inch by inch lets go of everything it has done so far, letting go of your expectations moment by moment moves you forward in life. This is how you achieve a fulfilled life that flows happily along.

If we were meant to remain in a fixed state throughout our lives, then there would be no change. It’s not like that. Everything changes. Our environment and we ourselves change from year to year, from day to day, from hour to hour. Life flows and that is the only way it is energetic.

If, despite this flow, you hold on to something at some point or even want to go back to something from the past, then you are moving against the current. Then you have a hard time.

But you can make your life easier again at any time by simply letting go. Then you swim with the current of life.

Incidentally, it is also not an advantage to carry too much ballast on a river crossing. In stormy times and on shaky passages, it pulls you down if you can’t let go.

“Let go and you have two hands free.” Chinese proverb


Why you should even let go of people

You should also be able to let go of people. I don’t mean that you should cut ties with them or leave your partner now. I mean that you allow them to come in and out of your life whenever they want.

Just as the river picks up and lets go of any boat that wants to float on it, you should welcome the people into your life and let them go when they want or need to leave.

“Let go, what you love. If it comes back, it’s yours – forever.” by Confucius

It also has something to do with tolerance. The river also shows us this. Just as the river tolerates other rivers beside you and lets them flow unhindered, you should also tolerate and accept your fellow human beings as they are and not hinder them in their flow. You should also accept that their life can take a different course than yours, just like it is with rivers.

Hold everything in your life like the water of the river. You hold it by forming your hands into an open cup. If you try to hold it in a closed fist, it slips through your fingers. Be an open shell for your fellow human beings, not a closed fist.

Letting go for low back pain is like a super power. The best part is that it is freely accessible to everyone. Anyone can learn them. You just have to understand the benefits of letting go and practice it.

The river provides you with the best example. He shows you that letting go is essential in life because everything is constantly changing and demonstrates that letting go begins with touching. Hold everything in your life like the water of the river: in an open bowl, not in a closed fist.

Lower back pain, letting go, mediation, life energyexercise :

If you want to let go of back pain, ask yourself the following questions:

  • Where do I find it difficult to let go of low back pain?
  • How would the river act in my situation?


Reasons why you cannot (yet) let go

Recognizing them paves the way to freedom. Here are four of those reasons.

Cause 1:

You didn’t allow before.

At least in my experience, this is the most common reason we can’t let go.

Allowing comes before letting go: first we have to perceive and accept the pain, i.e. the pain in the lower back. We must invite him, give him space, be kind to him and judge him as little as possible. He wants to be heard and seen and felt. Only then can the lower back pain say goodbye instead of clawing at our door day after day like a hungry cat left outside in the cold.

Lower back pain, letting go, mediation, life energyexercise :

Allow the pain in your back. How does he feel? (And no, living through it once is often not enough.)


Cause 2:

You fear bad things if you let go.

Do you think letting go will nail something old in the coffin, destroying it forever (“Only if I let go now my ex will never come back”) or that something much worse is about to happen (“If I let go of my worries, this will life will soon finish me off”)?

Or do you have a bad conscience and don’t think you deserve to let go (“It’s my fault and it’s only fair if I suffer from it until I die, I’ll be punished badly if I don’t carry this burden anymore.”)?

In both cases you will have to deal with these beliefs before you can let go.

Lower back pain, letting go, mediation, life energyexercise :

Take a few minutes and think about it:

  • What beliefs are preventing me from letting go of lower back pain?


Cause 3:

You are too surrounded by people living in the past.

Few things determine our inner and outer life as much as the people who are closest to us. If everyone around you resists the now, if they mainly live in the past (or constantly fantasize about a completely different life without doing anything about it), then that rubs off on us like the new black dress in the washing machine on everyone bright stuff.

Maybe it’s time to let new people into your life?

Lower back pain, letting go, mediation, life energyexercise :

Take a few minutes and think about it:

  • What people surround me?
  • Do people around me resist the now?
  • Am I surrounded by people who mostly live in the past?
  • Am I surrounded by people who constantly fantasize about a completely different life without doing anything for it?
  • Do the people around me still suit me?
  • Is it time to let new people into my life?


Cause 4:

You haven’t learned your lesson yet.

Sometimes the old pain – before it’s ready to say goodbye – wants us not only to notice it, but to learn something from it.

Lower back pain, letting go, mediation, life energyexercise :

Take a few minutes and think about it:

  • What does the back pain want to tell me? And what can I learn from it?
  • What can I do differently next time?



Letting go of lower back pain means having trust.

Faith in life, in the unimaginable wisdom that is in every human being. If you don’t have trust, you can’t let go, you have to hold on tight. This means that until you learn your lessons, you limit yourself and don’t expect life to carry you.

The avoidance of unnecessary loss of energy and energy blockages through letting go

Letting go is the opposite of weakness, it activates the unimaginable intelligence and energy present in every human being.

Specifically, this means:

  • Acceptance of the current state
  • Not condemning or judging things, people or situations
  • Don’t waste any thought on the way for the future
  • No fight against the actual state or for the target state
  • Concentrate on the goal and have no doubts about the achievement of the goal

You can’t achieve goals without energy , and you can’t solve problems without energy. And with little energy it is much slower than with a lot of energy. So we have to ask ourselves the question: Where am I losing energy unnecessarily and where am I blocking energy unnecessarily? Our goal should sensibly be to avoid wasting or blocking energy unnecessarily.

We look at a person’s energy situation from a very practical point of view, so we don’t make a distinction between energy loss and energy blockage – in both cases you are simply missing a certain amount of energy. So your potential is limited.


How can we learn to be happy?

By experiencing ourselves and feeling the core of what and who we really are. The ability to love is inherent in us, but our (learned) behavior often stands in the way.

We learn not to forgive, but to seek revenge. Not to be full of compassion, but to be selfish. We can also learn to feel better than someone else.

We learn to judge ourselves and others when we or others fail to live up to our artificial values ​​and norms. We can learn what we need to do to appear successful on the outside—even if it comes at the expense of our core.

We are taught to be important, to be annoying, to be nice, to impress, and to please others so that they don’t reject us. We thus learn to become dependent on the opinions and judgments of others. We fear criticism and demand confirmation and compliments.

And so we make ourselves more and more dependent on our environment to feel good. These misinterpretations of one’s own existence are the basis of low emotional intelligence. In order to come back to ourselves, to our core, we have to learn to let go of all learned emotions, thoughts and changes and to convert them into strength and energy.

Letting go of low back pain is about unlearning learned behaviors and feelings. It is the way to ourselves and to our spirituality. Letting go means learning to live without energy-sapping resistance. It is life without thousands of useless thoughts a day and without constantly reacting to the judgments of other people who have different opinions or worldviews than we do.

Letting go means living with respect for others and knowing that we have to unlearn a lot in order to find ourselves. It means living in the here and now, letting go of memories of painful experiences, rather than replaying the movie and seeing ourselves as victims.

We project ourselves and our history onto others. And we take everything possible and add what we don’t know. We also react to our own fantasies as if they were true.

We live in two parallel worlds:

In one world, we are actually who we are at our core—peaceful, loving, and forgiving—and in the other world we live the person we have become—full of judgments, assumptions, fears, worries, and stress.

You have to practice letting go to know that it feels better than not letting go. The central question is: How can I learn to live without resistance and enjoy what I do instead of feeling frustrated? The process of letting go of low back pain is part of holistic healing.

Lower back pain, letting go, mediation, life energyexercise :

The process of letting go for low back pain involves the following six steps:

  1. Find Out: Try to recognize when you are not in touch with your true core. The indicators are stress, worry, anxiety, tension and uncomfortable feelings.
  2. Experienced: Allow the feeling and give it a place. Experience how it feels to feel tension in your body and to experience emotions. Take a deep breath. Emotions are not good or bad, they just invite us to go within.
  3. Recognize illusions: You should recognize that you have distracted yourself from yourself again and that you have let yourself be carried away again by your own illusion or that of someone else. And in the end there is the realization that we have allowed ourselves to be misled into an emotion, a judgment or a negative thought.
  4. Learning lessons: what do we learn from this? What were we drawn to, why couldn’t we connect to each other’s core? How could the other hit us like this? What has distracted us, and what can we do to reverse it? How can we show our limits and convey what is going on inside us? Are we open to someone else’s worldview? Can we respect it, knowing that the other also suffers from delusions?
  5. Acceptance: Can we live with what we cannot change? Does it make sense to put energy into trying to change others? Or is it better to accept yourself with all your vulnerability and give the other space to be yourself? Can we see and accept the other as he moves on his life path?
  6. Letting Go: Now is the time to let go of low back pain, come to terms with yourself and transform experiences into wisdom. Time to treat others with respect and preserve our own strength. Do they have time to forgive ourselves and the other. Time to make peace with ourselves and return to our core.

In learning to let go for low back pain, the breath is our key tool.

We find ourselves quickly by returning to calm, focused breathing in any challenging situation while invoking a metaphor for letting go: e.g. a waterfall, an eagle soaring high above the earth, a feather, carried by the wind, or a drop of rain dripping from a leaf.

As you may know, a herniated disc and back pain are signals from the body. That means there is a reason behind it that needs to be explored.

You are in pain now and want to get rid of it. You don’t want painful tension or blockages in your spine and you want to find out the causes of your pain. You probably won’t get a doctor’s appointment anytime soon either.

If you do specific exercises, which you can find here in the following article, it is already a better way than just taking painkillers such as ibuprofen. Hoping the pain will eventually subside.

Alternative gentle treatment suggestion for lower back pain.                                                   

Visit our website with the topic:  How you or others can free yourself or others from back pain in a short time with the “ENERGETIC SPIRITUAL HEALING”!”

How you can achieve pain relief for yourself through the secret of gentle, energetic, spiritual spine therapy!”

  click here for website with offer

Experience the possibility of spiritual healing for low back pain .

The radio station MDR Aktuell reported on the Vital Center Neumarkt and the work in the form of an interview.

You can also read the article in  FOCUS Online  about Alexander Reichl and his alternative treatment technique!


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